# Declarative REST API
16 June 2018
We all are used to MVC for building REST applications. In this article, I'll show how you can build REST API using declarative approach. It'll be demonstrated on my library **[cutie-rest](https://github.com/Guseyn/cutie-rest)** which was released recently. Let's start with interface `Endpoint` and some default built-in implementations of this interface that this library provides. ### `Endpoint(regexpUrl, method(string)[, ...args])` This interface declares an endpoint (in api) with `url` that matches `regexpUrl` and specified `method` (`'GET'`, `'POST'`, etc.) in arguments of constructor. Also it's possible to pass some custom arguments via `...args`. This class has a method `body(request, response[, ...args])` that needs to be overridden and must return async object. It's important to mention that `Endpoint` is not an `AsyncObject`. And that's how you can implement it: ```js const { Endpoint } = require('@cuties/rest') const { ResponseWithHeader, ResponseWithStatusCode, ResponseWithStatusMessage, WrittenResponse, EndedResponse } = require('@cuties/http') class CustomEndpoint extends Endpoint { constructor (regexpUrl, type) { super(regexpUrl, type) } body (request, response) { return new EndedResponse( new WrittenResponse( new ResponseWithHeader( new ResponseWithStatusMessage( new ResponseWithStatusCode(response, 200), 'Ok' ), 'Content-Type', 'text/plain' ), 'Index.' ) ) } } ``` To handle `request` and `response` in the method `body` you can use [cutie-http](https://github.com/Guseyn/cutie-http). ### `NotFoundEndpoint(regexpUrl)` This interface (or abstract class) extends `Endpoint`, and it declares endpoint on **`404(NOT_FOUND)`** status. And that's how it's implemented: ```js const { Endpoint } = require('@cuties/rest') const { ResponseWithHeader, ResponseWithStatusCode, ResponseWithStatusMessage, WrittenResponse, EndedResponse } = require('@cuties/http') class NotFoundEndpoint extends Endpoint { constructor (regexpUrl) { super(regexpUrl, 'GET') } body (request, response) { return new EndedResponse( new WrittenResponse( new ResponseWithHeader( new ResponseWithStatusMessage( new ResponseWithStatusCode(response, 404), 'Not found' ), 'Content-Type', 'text/plain' ), '404: Not found' ) ) } } ``` You can create your custom variation of `Endpoint`. Just extends this default class with redefined method `body`. ### `IndexEndpoint()` It's an `Endpoint` that is used for representing index page. ```js const { Endpoint } = require('@cuties/rest') const { ResponseWithHeader, ResponseWithStatusCode, ResponseWithStatusMessage, WrittenResponse, EndedResponse } = require('@cuties/http') class IndexEndpoint extends Endpoint { constructor () { super(new RegExp(/^(\/|)$/), 'GET') } body (request, response) { return new EndedResponse( new WrittenResponse( new ResponseWithHeader( new ResponseWithStatusMessage( new ResponseWithStatusCode(response, 200), 'Ok' ), 'Content-Type', 'text/plain' ), 'Index.' ) ) } } ``` ### `InternalServerErrorEndpoint(regexpUrl)` It's an `Endpoint` that is used for handling underlying internal failure(not for user error) with status code **`500`**. ```js const { Endpoint } = require('@cuties/rest') const { ResponseWithHeader, ResponseWithStatusCode, ResponseWithStatusMessage, WrittenResponse, EndedResponse } = require('@cuties/http') class InternalServerErrorEndpoint extends Endpoint { constructor (regexpUrl) { super(regexpUrl || new RegExp(/^\/internal-server-error/)) } body (request, response, error) { return new EndedResponse( new WrittenResponse( new ResponseWithHeader( new ResponseWithStatusMessage( new ResponseWithStatusCode(response, 500), 'Internal Server Error' ), 'Content-Type', 'text/plain' ), `500: Internal Server Error, \n${error}` ) ) } } ``` Here method `body` also handles an `error`. Now let's talk about other objects that REST API declaration consists of: `Backend`, `RestApi`, `RequestBody`, `CreatedServingFilesEndpoint`, `CreatedCachedServingFilesEndpoint`, `ServingFiles`, and `CachedServingFiles`. Let's take a look on a simple declaration of REST API. ```js const { Backend, RestApi, CreatedServingFilesEndpoint, CreatedCachedServingFilesEndpoint } = require('@cuties/rest'); const path = require('path') const SimpleResponseOnGETRequest = require('./SimpleResponseOnGETRequest') const SimpleResponseOnPOSTRequest = require('./SimpleResponseOnPOSTRequest') const CustomNotFoundEndpoint = require('./CustomNotFoundEndpoint') const CustomInternalServerErrorEndpoint = require('./CustomInternalServerErrorEndpoint') const CustomIndexEndpoint = require('./example/CustomIndexEndpoint') const notFoundEndpoint = new CustomNotFoundEndpoint(new RegExp(/\/not-found/)) const internalServerErrorEndpoint = new CustomInternalServerErrorEndpoint(new RegExp(/^\/internal-server-error/)) const mapper = (url) => { let parts = url.split('/').filter(part => part !== '') return path.join(...parts) } const cacheMapper = (url) => { let parts = url.split('/').filter(part => part !== '').slice(1) parts.unshift('files') return path.join(...parts) } new Backend( 'http', 8000, '', new RestApi( new CustomIndexEndpoint(), new SimpleResponseOnGETRequest(new RegExp(/^\/get/), 'GET'), new SimpleResponseOnPOSTRequest(new RegExp(/^\/post/), 'POST'), new CreatedServingFilesEndpoint(new RegExp(/^\/files/), mapper, {}, notFoundEndpoint), new CreatedCachedServingFilesEndpoint(new RegExp(/^\/cached/), cacheMapper, {}, notFoundEndpoint), notFoundEndpoint, internalServerErrorEndpoint ) ).call() ``` ### `Backend(protocol, port, host, api[, options])` It's an `AsyncObject`. It declares a backend server with `protocol` (*http* or *https*) on specified `port` and `host`, also it provides declared `api`, `options` of the *http/https* server (it's optional). ### `RestApi(...endpoints)` Represents request-response listener. Declares endpoints of api. ### `RequestBody(request)` Reads body of request in `body(request, response)` method of `Endpoint` implementation. ### `ServingFilesEndpoint(regexpUrl, mapper, headers, notFoundEndpoint)` Extends `Endpoint` and serves files on url that matches `regexpUrl` with `mapper` function that gets location of a file on a disk by the url of incoming request. Also it's required to declare `notFoundEndpoint` that handles the cases when a file is not found. You also can specify headers in response(no need to specify the `'Content-Type'`, library makes it for you). ### `CachedServingFilesEndpoint(regexpUrl, mapper, headers, notFoundEndpoint)` Does the same that `ServingFilesEndpoint` does and caches files for increasing speed of serving them. ### `CreatedServingFilesEndpoint(regexpUrl, mapper, headers, notFoundEndpoint)` It's an `AsyncObject` that represents `ServingFilesEndpoint`. So, you can use its arguments as async objects. ### `CreatedServingFilesEndpoint(regexpUrl, mapper, headers, notFoundEndpoint)` It's an `AsyncObject` that represents `CachedServingFilesEndpoint`. So, you can use its arguments as async objects. Let's see now how `CustomIndexEndpoint`, `CustomNotFoundEndpoint`, `SimpleResponseOnGETRequest`, `SimpleResponseOnPOSTRequest` and `CustomInternalServerErrorEndpoint` are implemented. ```js class CustomIndexEndpoint extends IndexEndpoint { constructor () { super() } body (request, response) { return super.body(request, response) } } ``` ```js class CustomNotFoundEndpoint extends NotFoundEndpoint { constructor (regexpUrl) { super(regexpUrl) } body (request, response) { return super.body(request, response) } } ``` ```js class SimpleResponseOnGETRequest extends Endpoint { constructor (regexpUrl, type) { super(regexpUrl, type) } body (request, response) { return new EndedResponse( new WrittenResponse( new ResponseWithWrittenHead( response, 200, 'ok', { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' } ), 'content' ), ' is delivered' ) } } ``` ```js class SimpleResponseOnPOSTRequest extends Endpoint { constructor (regexpUrl, type) { super(regexpUrl, type) } body (request, response) { // request also contains body(as buffer), use RequestBody object for that return new EndedResponse( new WrittenResponse( new ResponseWithWrittenHead( response, 200, 'ok', { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' } ), new RequestBody(request) ), ' is delivered' ) } } ``` ```js class CustomInternalServerErrorEndpoint extends InternalServerErrorEndpoint { constructor (regexpUrl) { super(regexpUrl) } body (request, response, error) { return super.body(request, response, error) } } ``` So, here is some examples of requests: ```bash curl # Index. curl # content is delivered curl -X POST -d "content" # content is delivered curl # 404: Not found ```
[Medium Comments](https://medium.com/@guseynism/declarative-rest-api-57b459ad508f)
* [cutie-rest on GitHub](https://github.com/Guseyn/cutie-rest)