# EHTML: Front End Development Can and Should Be Simple
19 November 2019
I am glad to introduce my new library [EHTML](https://github.com/Guseyn/EHTML) which can help you to reduce complexity in your web applications by throwing away a lot of JavaScript code. Just imagine that you can fetch JSON data and map it to HTML, send and validate forms, make routing and navigations with turbolinks, integrate google sign-in into your app just by using HTML.
**EHTML** is just a set of custom elements that you can put on HTML page for different purposes and use cases. At the moment, it does not have a lot of features as it's just first version. But the idea and philosophy behind this library is very appealing to me because I can build simple things with it so easily that no other library can do.
So, check it out, you might find it very useful and interesting.
* [EHTML](https://github.com/Guseyn/EHTML)
[HN Comments](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21652300) / [Medium Comments](https://medium.com/@guseynism/ehtml-front-end-development-can-and-should-be-simple-7bd6441a525)